
NAV  Â鶹Éçmadou Inc.

Campus Grants Program Announces 2022 Grant Award Recipients

Â鶹Éçmadou, Inc.’s (Â鶹Éçmadou) 2022 Campus Grants Program recently awarded $48,891 in grants to 15 Sac State recipients. The total grant funding available was $80,000 and 25 grant application proposals were submitted to the Campus Grants Program.

Grants were awarded to a wide range of Sac State organizations, colleges, and departments such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, the University Library, the Aquatic Center, the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), the Career Center, the PRIDE Center, and many others. See a complete list of 2022 recipients and awards.

More than half of the grant application proposals submitted were focused on Sacramento State’s Anchor University initiative, which reflects the university’s vested interest in the well-being of the Sacramento region and efforts to support and improve the quality of life in the community in which it serves. Â鶹Éçmadou’s Board of Directors also approved a onetime distribution of $31,000 to the Anchor University strategic investments grants for future application funding.

The Campus Grants Program awards grants to Sac State faculty, staff, and students for projects that have a demonstrable need and clearly benefit the Sac State community. Projects with the most interest are those that advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, research, and campus engagement. The award maximum is $5,000 and the average award is typically $2,500 or less.

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